402_20 Language Services
Main contract details
Lot 1: Managed Services for Language Services Lot - A fully managed service encompassing a large range of customer needs regarding language support services, generally based upon a combination or all of the remaining framework lots.
This lot will be divided into three sub-lots to accommodate varying needs of following customers' groups:
1a Police
1b Health
1c Local Government and Wider Public Sector
Lot 2: Face to Face Interpretation Services (Spoken)
Lot 3: Face to Face Interpretation Services (Non-Spoken)
Lot 4a; Telephone Interpretation Services
Lot 4b: Video Interpretation Services (Spoken)
Lot 4c: Video Interpretation Services (Non-Spoken)
Lot 5: Translation, Transcription and Additional Services
The framework agreement has the option to extend for up to a further 24 months. The total estimated value stated includes the option period.
An eAuction process may be used to award subsequent call off contracts following the reopening of competition among the parties to the Framework Agreement.
As a Central Purchasing Body as defined by the EU Procurement Directive 2014/24/EU, the Framework Agreement is open for use by Public Bodies (defined at https://www.espo.org/ESPO/media/Documents/FAQs/ESPO-s_powers_to_trade__website_-2016-12-22.pdf) that also fall into one of the following classifications of user throughout all administrative regions of the UK: Local Authorities; Educational Establishments (including Academies); Central Government Departments and Agencies; Police, Fire & Rescue and Coastguard Emergency Services; NHS and HSC Bodies, including Ambulance Services; Registered Charities; Registered Social Landlords; The Corporate Office of the House of Lords, The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons; or any public body established by or under the Scotland Act 1998 or any Act of the Scottish Parliament. Details of the classification of end user establishments and geographical areas are available at: http://www.espo.org/About-us-%281%29/FAQs/Legal
Key dates
Expression of interest window
From 13/06/2019 14:22 to 07/02/2020 12:00
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