2324-0322 Beaumont Rise Specialist Mental Health Supported Living Care and Support Service
Main contract details
The requirement
Mental health accommodation services house and support adults with severe and enduring mental ill health who are unable to live in their own home due to lack of skills or inability to live independently.
The overarching aim of Islington Council’s mental health accommodation pathway is to ensure that the provision of mental health accommodation services proactively work to ensure residents are equipped with the skills and capacity to live happier, healthier and more independent lives closer to home.
We want this service to have a whole person and a strengths-based philosophy in the provision of care and support. We want to proactively maximise people’s readiness for independent living and further adapt to keep pace with changing demand, best practice and changes elsewhere in the system.
The Council is seeking to provide supported living care services for adults with enduring mental health needs that will offer residents a clear and consistent pathway to independent living, providing them with an opportunity to reach their potential and enjoy a good quality of life. The pathway empowers residents to look after themselves, better manage their health, and build resilience. Residents are provided with proactive and personalised support in a community setting, equipping them with the skills to live healthier for longer.
The accommodation services as a whole are arranged as a pathway with three levels of support – residential care (24/7 staff and personal care), high support (24/7 staff presence) and medium support (support staff onsite every weekday during office hours). This contract opportunity is in the high support (24/7 staff presence) category, based at premises on Beaumont Rise. The opportunity for the contract for the provision of services at Beaumont Rise was originally included in the contract notice for “2021 – 0158 Mental Health Accommodation Pathway Services”. Since the original contract notice the arrangements for the housing management function have been revised, therefore, this opportunity is being re-advertised with the clarified arrangements. There is a strong focus on recovery. Residents move into the level of provision that best meets their needs and move through the pathway as they become more independent, before moving into their own home outside of the pathway. They need not access all levels before moving to an independent tenancy, indeed most people will move into an independent tenancy from their first supported living placement. A small number of residents require longer-term support and may not make the transition to independent living, nevertheless efforts are made to maximise independence and support people in the least restrictive environment. Continuous resident move through and out of the pathway is required to create the ongoing capacity needed to accommodate new referrals from hospital, other settings, or out of borough
The pathway consists of two main accommodation types:
1. Specialist mental health residential care
Specialist mental health residential care services support adults with severe and enduring mental illness and physical health needs who require accommodation and personal care. A rehabilitation and recovery focus enables residents to better manage their physical and mental health. A strong focus on prevention and early intervention helps people at risk of declining health to stay well for longer. Staff work with people to provide assistance, encouragement, training and/or advice to perform and develop the skills and capacity to live happier, healthier and more independent lives.
2. Supported living
Mental health supported living provides housing and support services to enable people to live as independently as possible in the community. Residents live in accommodation with staff onsite who proactively support them to develop skills (such as managing their health and wellbeing, managing medication, managing finances, nutrition, staying safe and building social networks) to enable them to live independently. These services do not deliver personal care.
This opportunity is for the following part of the accommodation pathway:
• High support, longer term, self-contained accommodation, waking night mental health support staff cover to be delivered from 17-bed Council-owned, purpose built building available, self-contained units, including one ground floor wheelchair accessible unit
• Maximum annual contract cost: £450,500
Key dates
Expression of interest window
From 09/02/2024 14:00 to 08/03/2024 12:00
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