Gloucester City Centre Cycle Cycle Improvements – Phase 1
Main contract details
Section A : Llanthony Access Road,
Section B : Northgate Street, (From Spread Eagle Road to Oxebode)
Section C : Southgate Street, (From Ladbellegate Street to the Tall Ship), and
Section D : B 4063/Pirton Lane
Sections A, B, and C are in close proximity to the city centre, covering Northgate Street, Southgate Street, and Llanthony Link Road. Section D, Pirton Lane, is situated to the north of Gloucester city centre, connecting to the B4063. This project is part of a wider initiative aimed at addressing the needs of pedestrians and cyclists using various forms of active transportation in the heart of Gloucester. The overall scheme will implement a continuous cycleway for cyclists of all ages and abilities, linking the main hubs of the City Centre with the Docks and Quays area, utilising Northgate Street and Southgate Street. Works to Llanthony Link Road and Pirton Lane are final stages of previous projects.
Section A : Llanthony Access Road
Construction of a link road between Hemmingsdale Road and Sudmeadow Road to facilitate vehicle access from the main Llanthony Bypass into Sudmeadow Road, as direct right turns onto Sudmeadow Road are prohibited.
Summary of Construction Phase key deliverables are as follows:
a. Construction of a new link road between Hemmingsdale Road and Sudmeadow Road, including the removal of a 130mm deep concrete slab.
b. Proposed street lighting, road markings, and signage.
c. Relocation and addition of gullies, catch pits, and combined kerb drains to accommodate the new link road.
d. Construction of new planting beds on the southern side of the link road and a grassed earthen ditch on the northern side.
Northgate Street
Northgate Street enhances pedestrian and cyclist safety with continuous footways at side roads, raised crossings, and junctions, while also lowering the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph.
Summary of Construction Phase key deliverables are as follows:
a. Provision of continuous footways at side roads.
b. Removal of one existing raised crossing, addition of one, and widening of another.
c. Removal of existing mini-roundabout at Worcester Street and replacement with a raised junction with uncontrolled crossings on Northgate Street and reinstatement of the Zebra Crossing on Worcester Street.
d. Minor amendments to street lighting and Belisha beacons.
e. Extension of raised carriageway at The Oxebode Junction.
f. Removal of 2 disabled parking bays opposite The Oxebode, redistribution of disabled parking bays opposite Spread Eagle Road, including the addition of one disabled bay, and relocation of existing loading bay opposite Spread Eagle Road.
g. Relocation or removal of street furniture where required, including benches, bins, and cycle parking.
h. Upgrade of signage and road markings where required.
i. Relocation or addition of gullies to accommodate new kerb alignments and raised crossings/junctions.
Southgate Street
The Southgate Street proposals extend from Ladybellegate Street to the Tall Ship Pub, featuring a narrower carriageway to encourage slower vehicle speeds and a bi-directional cycle track between Kimbrose Triangle and the Tall Ship Pub. Additionally, upgrades to crossings are planned to enhance the safety of pedestrians and cyclists in this area.
Summary of Construction Phase key deliverables are as follows:
a. Narrowing the carriageway to construct a bi-directional cycle track with green MMA surfacing and a segregated buffer island, as well as a bus stop bypass at Southgate Moorings Car Park.
b. Changing junction priority at the Southgate/Parliament Street Junction.
c. Installing TacGrid around the Kimbrose Triangle Junction to provide detectable warnings for visually impaired pedestrians.
d. Upgrading the existing zebra crossing at Kimbrose Triangle to a segregated parallel crossing.
e. Installing a new zebra crossing on Parliament Street.
f. Widening the footway north of Kimbrose Triangle Sculpture.
g. Removing the footway build-out south of Parliament Street Junction.
h. Removing tree grilles and reinstating with Arboresin.
i. Making minor amendments to street lighting and upgrading signage and road markings where required.
j. Relocating street furniture where required, including benches, bins, bollards, and cycle parking.
k. Providing continuous footways at side roads and accesses.
l. Relocating or adding gullies to accommodate new kerb alignments.
B 4063/Pirton Lane
Pirton Lane Junction improvements were part of the B4063 cycleway, which has already been constructed. This final junction will include signal and signage upgrades, highway modifications, and the relocation of the existing bus stop.
Summary of Construction Phase key deliverables are as follows:
a. Construction of a bi-directional cycle track with a segregated buffer island and green MMA surfacing.
b. Relocation of the bus stop to the opposite side of Pirton Lane.
c. Removal of all existing traffic signals at the junction and installation of upgraded signals to fit the new junction layout, incorporating controlled segregated cycle facilities, new pedestrian crossings, and a controlled bus gate facility.
d. Relocation and addition of gullies to accommodate new kerb alignments.
e. Provision of new signage.
This contract is looking for a Principal Contractor to deliver the construction phase of Gloucester City Centre Cycle Spine Cycleway Scheme.
A summary of the outline programme for the combined packages of works is shown below:
Tender period: Thursday 24th Oct 2024 to 2nd Dec 2024
Award: Friday 13th December 2024
Anticipated Works Start Date: Monday 20th January 2025
Completion: July 2025
Overall Duration: 25 weeks
Indicative Value: (£2.25M + £0.45M VAT) = £2.7M
The proposed procurement route will be a single stage (Open Procedure) using the NEC4 ECC form of Contract, Option A Priced Contract with Activity Schedule. (The Contract will be awarded on a NEC Option ‘A’ Lump sum basis with tenderer submissions reviewed and marked on a 70:30 Price /Quality split).
Full details will be available in the tender pack.
Key dates
Expression of interest window
From 17/10/2024 01:00 to 21/11/2024 12:00
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