2324-0241 Testing, Repairs, Servicing Works for Door Entry, Access Control, Vehicle Barriers and Sec...
Main contract details
The requirement
Islington Council seeks a single contractor to provide comprehensive testing, repairs, and servicing works to door entry and access control systems, vehicle access gates and barriers, and security shutter systems, vehicle access gates and barriers located on and within Islington Council residential properties, on council housing estates, in residential blocks, estate car parks, community centres and concierge offices.
The council is a landlord to tenants and leaseholders living in homes located across the borough. The council’s stock compromises of residential blocks, community centres, and concierge offices, all of which avail some use of door entry and access control systems, vehicle access gates and barriers, and security shutter systems. As a landlord and employer, the council is responsible for ensuring the provision of safe and fully operational equipment.
An emergency response element will be contained within the contract, and will extend to include out of hours provision, where a situation may necessitate. For example, all residents unable to gain access to their block as a result of a fault to the communal block door.
The value of works carried out under the contract varies from high-value to low-value jobs. The Contractor is expected to carry out all jobs borough-wide.
This contract is not being divided into lots.
Dividing the contract may increase technical risk of delivery, leading to inconsistencies and integration challenges. Therefore, the Client only seeks one contractor.
TUPE [Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations]
Potential providers must be aware that TUPE may or may not apply to this service. Further details will be available in the invitation to tender.
Contract period
April 2025 is the estimated start period for the contract. The initial term will be twenty-four (24) months, with an option for a further extension of twenty-four (24) months, and a final option to extend by a further twenty-four (24) months. The maximum total agreement length is seventy-two (72) months.
Value of the contract
The estimated total value of this contract is £4,200,000 (VAT inclusive) over the maximum seventy-two (72) months. This is based on £700,000 per annum.
Award criteria
The contract will be awarded to the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations.
MEAT for this contract
Cost/price 40%
Quality 60%
Quality made up of:
20% - Proposed approach to social value
20% - Proposed approach to quality management, and managing and prioritising workloads
10% - Proposed approach to resourcing the contract
10% - Proposed approach to communication and the resolution of complaints
Total 100%
Further details will be provided in the invitation to tender.
Procurement process
As the value of the contract is above the threshold for wider advertising of the opportunity, a Contract Notice will be published on Contracts Finder and Find a Tender Service.
This contract will be procured using the open procedure. The open procedure means that all bidders who successfully express an interest will automatically be invited to tender and have access to the tender documents. Those who submit a tender and meet the minimum requirements will have their full tender evaluated.
Key dates
Expression of interest window
From 23/01/2025 09:30 to 21/02/2025 12:00
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