HC1440 Online Market Engagement Event - Public Health Nursing
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Wiltshire Council is currently reviewing the future delivery model for Public Health Nursing Services and to understand the marketplace and viability of the Local Authority to undertake a standalone procurement of Wiltshire PHNS as the current contract expires at the end of March 2024.
The PHNS is required to deliver against the requirements set out in the Health & Social Care Act 2012 to provide a universal service for all expectant parents, children, and young people, with an emphasis on prevention and support. This includes leading on the delivery and co-ordination of the Healthy Child Programme 0-19, a national public health programme based on the best available evidence, to achieve positive health and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people, and to reduce inequalities. The mandated elements of the PHNS are five universal reviews delivered by the health visiting service from pregnancy through to two and a half years of age, and the National Child Measurement Programme.
The PHN Services include the following key elements:
• 0-5 years’ Health Visiting Service
• 5-19 School Aged Service
• Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) Programme
• The National Child Measurement (NCMP) Programme
Effective integration and partnership with interfacing services is critical to the effective delivery of Public Health Nursing Services, and there is commitment from both the Local Authority and BSW ICB to continue to work closely together to align Wiltshire’s universal and specialist services and ensure services continue to be joined up and seamless for families and children. We do not expect any impact on children, young people, and families as a result of this procurement. The Local Authority will also ensure an emphasis on strengthening partnership and integration with local authority and non-health services, including the voluntary and charitable sector in the best interests of children, young people and families.
Wiltshire Council is planning to hold a Marketing Engagement (ME) event (via Teams) on the 5th June 2023 11am-1pm, to fully understand the marketplace and its capabilities to meet the Local Authorities requirements.
Please register using the portal and further details relating to the ME event will be sent to you.
Please note this Market Engagement event is for information gathering purposes only to assess the marketplace, and test the proposed delivery model, and is not a call for competition at this stage,.
Key dates
Expression of interest window
From 31/05/2023 18:00 to 05/06/2023 09:00
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BA14 8JN
United Kingdom