Market Engagement Event for Extra Care Housing Services
Main contract details
The Local Authority will be holding an online Market Engagement Event to support the procurement for Extra Care Housing services on Monday 10th of February 2025 at 11am until 12noon. This will be an opportunity to engage with commissioners and have dialogue around vision for extra care in Waltham Forest and to understand the timeframe and arrangements for the upcoming procurement. If you would like to join this session, or require further information please contact Nadia Haque ( or Tiffany Vanstone (
Extra Care provides a way for people aged 18+ (usually 55 and over), with care and support needs arising from physical and/or mental impairments including dementia, learning disabilities, autism, and/or physical/sensory impairments, that lead to the resident needing support, to continue living independently within the privacy of a self-contained flat or bungalow.
Extra Care is helpful for:
• prevention of the need for more care
• supporting resilience and independence
• people being supported to remain in a home of their own for as long as possible
• avoidance of unnecessary admission to institutional care
The vision for Extra Care Housing in Waltham Forest is one that promotes independent living among the elderly through flexible care options that combine housing, health, and social services. There is an emphasizes on the importance of creating a community where older adults feel included and supported, moving away from traditional residential care towards a model that allows for greater independence with a focus on social inclusion and wellbeing. The aim is to offer elderly residents a sense of belonging while ensuring they can live independently with adequate support. The goal is to work towards having extra care services some of the more vulnerable residents in the community (that may not currently be supported by extra care) in a culturally sensitive way by taking a system wide partnership approach. This collaborative approach is essential for developing comprehensive and holistic service that meet the needs of the diverse community in Waltham Forest effectively. The borough is also very keen to ensure new care technologies are being utilised as part of the support being offered for both efficiency purposes but also for enhanced monitoring (such as wearble devices) as well as better communication and data driven insights. Principles of holistic partnership care, focus on inclusion and wellbeing and new care technologies are key principles to the re commissioning of extra care in Waltham forest.
Key dates
Expression of interest window
From 31/01/2025 11:30 to 10/02/2025 17:00
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United Kingdom