Soft Market Testing - Software and Support Requirements
Main contract details
We would like to take the opportunity to do some “soft market testing” as outlined below, to determine current interest levels in the market.
What is the issue:
Ashford Borough Council provides a Port Health Service at the Sevington Inland Border Facility, we were designated in April 2024 and are one of the biggest facilities in the UK.
As a result of EU Transition, the Council became responsible for checks on imports of products of animal origin (POAO), high-risk food not of animal origin (HRFNAO) and animal by-products (animal products not for human consumption) imported from the EU that transit into the UK via Eurotunnel and the Port of Dover.
We are looking for a software system that provides document management, work flowing of checks in progress and accounts for the charging of the work to importers.
What do we need to achieve:
A web based bespoke Port Health application to assist in the work flowing and processing of importation documentation for Products of Animal Origin and High Risk Foods Not of Animal Origin.
The software must link with, and use data from, a number of disparate sources such as the Governments, Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS) Community Service Providers (CSPs), to provide the user with a single point of access.
The system must be designed to reflect the expected workflow practices for import control and as such provides a number of logical screens to assist users.
The system must also provide the facility to log and track all documentation in regard to Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing imports.
The software would provide users with additional workflow support by incorporating links to key decision making information, enabling the information the user requires to be available from the desktop. It should assist in the control of reference material to ensure that all users of the system see the same information.
The software must also provide the ability to work on hand held devices for use in various locations at a Border Control Post.
Enabling a comprehensive record of activity to be recorded against imported consignments – through automatically generated and manually entered comments, a full commentary of the consignment can be maintained, with the outcome of the import correctly logged.
Provide the ability to print standard documents from a consignment record that automatically link the correspondence to the consignment assists in maintaining a full record. Additionally other types of files (documents, photos etc.) can be manually linked to a consignment record.
The software should have comprehensive reference tables to support users and maintain consistency and accuracy of actions. Work should therefore be able to be easily workflow to the correct user. A specific sampling workflow procedure is needed to log and track the process and the results of the sampling.
The software must be able to log payments against individual trades accounts and send a transaction report to traders, clearly linking the import with the appropriate Common Health Entry Document (CHED) reference. Also sending automatic email prompts for when funds are insufficient on accounts to be able to process outstanding import charges for any further consignments.
The system must provide a suite of reports for data analysis and financial reconciliation. Bespoke report writing should be available on request.
The system would be provided as a hosted service and would be configured and made available at the locations specified. Training would be provided to users, with help and guidance also to be available from within the software providers support teams who specifically have experience and understand the food importation process. Training may also be provided at a site specified by the customer.
Full support arrangements once the system is installed, must be provided to resolve technical and system issues, with access to a portal for users to report and track issues. To resolve technical issues this will involve the necessity to have staff who understand and have experience of working within the import/export food industry.
The software provider should also provide support via a telephone hot line number during normal office hours and for system outages an emergency contact for out of hours support.
System outages mut be resolved within a 12 hour period.
We would be interested to know your proposal in terms of;
• Evidence that the software system has been implemented within an import/export environment and can access IPAFFS
• Examples of use elsewhere and testimonials from users
• Evidence that there is a sufficient back up service to provide advice to users of the software and to resolve system outages within the specified time scales
• Price per licence
Your proposal can be in the form of a brochure or PowerPoint presentation of no more than 10 pages i.e. 5 double sides of A4 addressing the 3 points above.
Ashford Borough Council reserves the right to contact respondents at its discretion and no solicitations should be made in this regard.
Should the council decide to conduct a formal tender exercise, the notice commencing the procurement will be published on Find a Tender OR Contracts Finder and the Kent Business Portal and interested parties may sign up to receive direct notification of publication from these websites.
Soft Market Testing
The Soft Market Test is intended to allow interested organisations with relevant experience to outline their views and provide information with no commitment to themselves or the council.
During the Soft Market Test we would like to gauge the level of interest in providing a solution to the councils Port Health import/export software document managing system.
Interested respondents are required to submit their proposal by 10:00 Tuesday 10th December 2024. If you have any questions for clarification, the deadline for submitting these is 10:00 Tuesday 3rd December 2024.
If respondents have any questions about this soft market test, such questions should be submitted to the council using the ‘Messaging” facility within the opportunity advertised on the Kent Business Portal by the deadline for Clarification.
A copy of the question and a copy of the written reply may be circulated to all respondents, with anonymity of the respondent preserved. Respondents must not raise questions through any other channels, including emails direct to the council.
No questions will be responded to, other than those raised through the Kent Business Portal as described above.
We encourage your participation in this soft market testing exercise, but must emphasise that your involvement in this exercise will not carry any commercial advantage in any ensuing procurement process and will have no bearing upon the selection of firms to compete in any subsequent procurement.
No information provided in response to this soft market testing exercise will be used in any evaluation of any subsequent response to a procurement exercise.
Respondents are liable for their own time and expenses related to this exercise and no reimbursements will be made.
Confidentiality, freedom of information and Environmental Information.
Subject to the statement on freedom of information below, the Authority will treat responses to this questionnaire as confidential and not disclose information to third parties without the consent of the respondent.
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information
All information relating to any response to the questionnaire may be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. The Authority is under a legal obligation to disclose such information if requested, unless an exemption applies. The Authority may also be subject to disclosure requirements under other legislation or applicable codes of practice, or otherwise as required by law, including by order of a court. The Authority may, in its absolute discretion, consult with the respondent before making a decision on a request for information. The interpretation of the Authority in relation to any disclosure obligation or exemption shall be final.
Key dates
Expression of interest window
From 11/11/2024 14:30 to 10/12/2024 10:00
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Contact details
TN23 1PL
United Kingdom