DWP Connect to Work Programme Preliminary Market Engagement
Main contract details
Further information about the Authority found here: https://www.iow.gov.uk/home
The Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton as a functioning economic area, are formally agreed to work together under the partnership of Chief Executives and Leaders from the 3 UTLAs (upper tier local authority) and is currently referred to as SUTLAB (Solent UTLA board).
The Authority is looking to engage with a Supplier to deliver the Department for Work and Pensions Connect to Work unemployment support programme.
The programme will offer 1 to 1 and group support to adults (18+) of economically inactive individuals (not in receipt of universal support or other work-based benefits) to move them into employment on programmes of up to 1 year.
The programme can also support adults who are in work but need additional support to retain employment.
Full programme management is required, to include:
- Design and development
- Market engagement and promotion
- Management of referrals application processes
- Evaluation and reporting services
- Counter Fraud services
Delivery of this programme will include the use of an approved fidelity model and subject to DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) audit.
Full programme guidance will be provided.
It is currently intended that the term of the contract will be from 1 July 2025 until 31 March 2028.
This Preliminary Market Engagement Questionnaire (PMEQ) is intended to notify Suppliers of an upcoming tender opportunity.
Suppliers should note this PMEQ is not a commitment to conducting a procurement exercise and we reserve the right not to proceed with the further competition.
The information contained in this PMEQ is an accurate representation of our current requirement.
Key dates
Expression of interest window
From 28/02/2025 17:15 to 12/03/2025 14:00
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Contact details
Isle of Wight
PO30 1UD
United Kingdom