2223-0354 – Islington film services concession contract
Main contract details
A managed film service will protect the Council’s interests and makes sure filming is conducted according to the terms and conditions agreed.
The requirement
The service requires skills and expertise including:
• working with production companies to arrange all film and TV shoots in the borough
• liaising with council departments, statutory bodies, community groups and residents
• negotiating fees and administering financial transactions
• facilitating services such as parking and traffic management orders
• identifying locations
• issuing filming licenses
• monitoring shoots of a particular size
• feeding back regional and national policy changes to council services (e.g. drone use, privacy laws)
• delivering a high quality skills development and employment offer within the industry for Islington residents
Ensuring that the film service is managed by industry specialists is essential to optimising the benefits for Islington residents. The role requires engagement with many of Islington Council’s service areas and public, private and voluntary sector partners. It demands a distinct skill set that combines industry intelligence with an understanding of working practises both within the screen industries and with relevant authorities.
This contract is being procured as a services concession contract to ensure a managed film service at no cost to the council and with minimal risks as costs associated with delivering the service are effectively covered. The income is divided between the following parties, in order of magnitude from largest to smallest: direct payments to council services (e.g. parking and highways), a percentage of revenue assigned to the contractor, a percentage of revenue assigned to the council, and payments to third parties (community groups). The contract value is based on projected figures for turnover through income generated by film services.
This services concession contract is not being divided in to lots. A single provider is being sought to manage film services throughout the borough.
TUPE [Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations]
Potential providers must be aware that TUPE may or may not apply to this service. Further details will be available in the invitation to tender.
Contract Period
The services concession contract period will be for 36 months from an estimated start date of 1 May 2024 with options to extend for five (5) periods of 12 months each (maximum 96 months).
Contract Value
The estimated total value of the services concession contract over the full 96 months is £7,917,288.
Award criteria
The contract will be awarded on the basis of objective criteria that identify an overall economic advantage for the contracting authority in accordance with the Concessions Regulations. The award criteria for this contract are quality 60% and cost 40%. Further details will be provided in the invitation to tender.
Quality 60%, made up of:
• Proposed approach to social value, sustainability and environment (30%, made up of):
o local employment and mentoring - 15%
o sustainability and environment – 15%
• Proposed approach to business process and service methodology including ICT - 5%
• Proposed approach to filming - 5%
• Proposed approach to organisational structure and staff expertise 5%
• Proposed approach to business development: marketing, development, fees and charges 5%
• Proposed approach to resident and stakeholder engagement: engagement, consultation and safeguarding 5%
• Proposed approach to risk management, monitoring and performance management 5%
Cost 40%, made up of:
• Revenue share - 25%
• Financial viability of business model - 10%
• Service delivery costs - 5%
Total 100%
Tenderers should be aware that we reserve the right to hold presentations during the tender process. Presentations and/or interviews will be for verification/clarification purposes of the written submission.
Procurement Process
As the value of the contract is above the threshold for wider advertising of the opportunity, a Contract Notice will be published on Find a Tender and Contracts Finder.
This procurement will be conducted in accordance with the The Concession Contracts Regulations 2016, R38. The council is free to establish a procedure, provided the procedure is sufficient to ensure compliance with the principles of transparency and equal treatment of economic operators (service providers).
The procedure the Council has designed is based on the open procedure, as defined by The Public Contracts Regulations 2015. All economic operators (service providers) who successfully express an interest will automatically have access to the tender documents. Standard pre-selection questions will be part of the tender response and will need to be passed before evaluation of price and quality aspects. Further details will be available in the procurement documents.
Key dates
Expression of interest window
From 03/11/2023 12:30 to 04/12/2023 12:00
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