CP2515-24 FPS for Care and Support Services within Extra Care Housing in Devon
Main contract details
In DCC the term 'extra care' housing is used to describe housing developments that comprise self-contained homes with design features and support services to enable people to self-care and continue to live independently. Whilst they are primarily for older people some may support younger people with disabilities.
Services are required to:
• Respond quickly to residents changing needs
• Provide unplanned care as and when required in addition to planned care
• Provide an emergency response.
The overarching goal of ECH is to provide a supportive and secure living environment that allows a dynamic community of individuals with a range of needs to age in place and maintain their quality of life. As such services must be flexible; empowering; enabling; maximise the use and benefits of technology enabled care (TECS) to promote peoples’ independence.
The FPS comprises two Lots:
1. Care and Support services – to provide both 1:1 and onsite care and support services
2. Innovation and Future ways of working – to allow for future developments within Extra Care schemes.
Within this FPS tender opportunity there are four call-offs from Lot 1 for Care and Support services within four separate Extra Care Schemes. Additional bidding opportunities are anticipated throughout the lifetime of the FPS.
Care and Support Services will be comprised of:
• Core provision to ensure care and support cover 24-hours a day including social inclusion and response to unplanned care needs
• The provision of one-to-one care and support that a significant number of people living in Extra Care Housing require and which has been assessed as being eligible within Adult Social Care Fair Access to Care Assessment.
The Service Provider(s) will be required to staff an onsite and exclusive team at each of the schemes, must occupy an onsite office space and be registered as a specific location with the CQC.
Key dates
Current Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) round information
Expression of interest window
From 30/07/2024 14:00 to 16/09/2024 12:00
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