Independence at Home Flexible Framework
Main contract details
If you still wish to apply, please be advised that it may be a significant period of time before your application is processed. Additionally, please note that:
1) Providers who don’t have their registered office in B&NES or within a neighbouring authority will not be accepted.
2) Providers must have had a CQC inspection and have an acceptable rating. We are not taking on providers who are not yet inspected and as detailed in the Invitation to Participate there is a minimum requirement in respect of the rating.
3) Providers will tender their own hourly rate, however the majority of our care is sourced with providers who operate at the B&NES Fair Price of Care (£23.76 per hour, £19.01 per 45 minutes, £14.26 per 30 minutes). We do not source care below this rate, and you are less likely to be awarded packages if you charge above this hourly rate.
Bath & North East Somerset Council are establishing an ‘Independence at Home’ (IAH) Flexible Framework. The Flexible Framework will be used for establishing independence at home packages, typically for older people(65+ years old), whose primary support need does not relate to a learning disability, developmental disorder or complex mental health issue. Services commissioned under the Flexible Framework include Homecare and Domiciliary Care, Waking Nights and Sleep-In Nights, and any other services which are intended to be added to the Framework Agreement as a later phase including but not limited to “Live-in Care”. The Flexible Framework is being established by Bath & North East Somerset Council in order to secure packages for both Council-funded and health-funded packages of care.
Key dates
Current Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) round information
Expression of interest window
From 15/11/2019 12:00 to 23/02/2027 12:00
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