My Home Life learning and support

Awarded date: 30/08/2024

Awarded supplier(s)

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Contacts Postcode
City, University of London - CityVentures 0000121RC
  • - Mrs Barbara Robertson
  • - Ms Alex Elkins
  • - Mr Simon Magness
  • - Ms Grace Roberson
City, University of London - SASS 0000121RC
  • - Mr Matthew Such
  • - Ms Caroline Sipos
  • - Dr Matt Barnes
City, University of London - Enterprise 0000121RC
  • - Mr Simon Magness
  • - Mr Ralph La Fontaine
City, University of London - School of Health Sciences 0000121RC
  • - Mr Matthew Such
  • - Professor Angela Hardon
  • - Mr Danny Tyler
  • - Ms Alex Elkins
City, University of London - School of Health Sciences 0000121RC
  • - Mr Matthew Such
  • - Ms Alex Elkins