Insurance Provision

Awarded date: 14/03/2022

1 help

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Postcode
Aspen Insurance UK Limtied 01184193 EC3M 3BD
Awarded date: 14/03/2022

2 help

Please contact the contract organisation for awarded supplier information

Awarded date: 14/03/2022

Lot 3 help

Please contact the contract organisation for awarded supplier information

Awarded date: 14/03/2022

Lot 4 help

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Postcode
Travelers Ins Co Ltd 01034343 RH1 1NA
Awarded date: 14/03/2022

Lot 5 help

Please contact the contract organisation for awarded supplier information

Awarded date: 14/03/2022

Lot 6 help

Please contact the contract organisation for awarded supplier information

Awarded date: 14/03/2022

Lot 7 help

Please contact the contract organisation for awarded supplier information

Awarded date: 14/03/2022

Lot 8 help

Please contact the contract organisation for awarded supplier information

Awarded date: 14/03/2022

Lot 9 help

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Postcode
Ashdale Engineering UK Ltd 6013500 SME BS9 2DR
Awarded date: 14/03/2022

Lot 10 help

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Postcode
The Risk Factor Ltd 3030912 SME HG1 5EP
Awarded date: 14/03/2022

Lot 11 help

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Postcode
Keoghs LLP 0321124OC BL6 4SE