Provision of Day Services to meet a range of services to meet the needs of clients including Older People and a specialist service for people with a Learning Disability including Autism and/or a Mental Health needs and/or Autism and/or Physical Disability

Awarded date: 06/06/2022

Awarded supplier(s)

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Postcode
Flexible Support Options Limited 7920625 NE29 8DZ
Journey 1780839 SME & VCS N/A NE46 4SA
Key Enterprises (1983) Ltd 1774738 SME & VCS ne12 9SZ
Life choices Plus Limited t/a EveryDay 07739755 SME NE29 6QP
Living to Learn North East Ltd SME NE29 7SN
meadowwell connected 3433217 SME & VCS N/A Ne29 6BA
St Anthony of Padua Community Association 2025848 SME NE6 3BT
Tynemouth Village Day Centre 1057489 SME & VCS N/A NE30 4RH
United Response 1133776 CR0 2BX