P2019/2015/CO & PB2020-00075 & PB2021-00363 & PB2023-01395 - Framework Agreement for the Provision of Day Opportunities for Adults with Mental Health Problems, Older People, Older People with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Problems and Older People with Severe and Enduring Mental Health Problems

Awarded date: 31/10/2019

Awarded supplier(s)

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Postcode
Age UK North Yorkshire & Darlington - Core 6817492 SME & VCS 1128377 DL1 5SX
Age UK North Yorkshire & Darlington - CEO 6817492 SME & VCS 1128377 DL1 5SX
Darlington Mind Ltd 4433988 SME & VCS N/A DL1 1SQ