Tender for the Provision of Insurance Services

Awarded date: 19/03/2019

Combined Libility help

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Contacts Postcode
Protector Forsikring ASA SME
  • - Miss Jayna Patel
Awarded date: 19/03/2019

Engineering Insurance & Statutory Inspection help

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Contacts Postcode
Ashdale Engineering UK Ltd 6013500 SME
  • - Mr Simon Baldock
Awarded date: 19/03/2019

Personal Accident & Business Travel help

Company name Company reg number SME/VCS VCS reg number Contacts Postcode
Risk Management Partners Ltd. 2989025 SME
  • - Miss Lisa Mills
Awarded date: 19/03/2019

Crime help

Please contact the contract organisation for awarded supplier information