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National awarded contracts

Awarded contracts

TitleAwarded supplierBuyerStart dateEnd dateAwarded dateValue (est.)Value (Award)
Zouch Consultancy ServicesMultiple award (2)Leicestershire County Council16/08/202431/03/202715/08/2024£311,426£311,426
Zouch Bridge works- Stats Providers - BTBT PLCLeicestershire County Council09/09/202406/09/202623/09/2024£203,059£203,059
Zouch Bridge project - Stats /Utilities - Severn Trent WaterSevern Trent Services Operations UK LtdLeicestershire County Council15/09/202412/09/202613/09/2024£308,000£308,000
Zouch Bridge project - Stats /Utilities - Cadent GasCadent Gas LtdLeicestershire County Council15/09/202412/09/202609/09/2024£289,293£289,293
Zola Rafuge Childrens WorkerNo InformationNottingham City Council01/04/201231/03/201301/04/2012£20,000Not set
Zivver - Email SecurityPhoenix Software LtdSouth Kesteven District Council16/01/202415/01/202708/12/2023£31,497Not set
YPO call-off contract ref: 953 for the provision of Enforcement Agency ServicesSimons Jacob & Paula Jacob t/a JacobsWelland Procurement28/11/202329/11/202528/11/2023£549,552Not set
YPO call-off contract ref: 953 for the provision of Enforcement Agency ServicesBristow and SutorWelland Procurement28/11/202327/11/202528/11/2023£549,552Not set
YPO call-off contract ref: 953 for the provision of Enforcement Agency ServicesSimons Jacob & Paula Jacob t/a JacobsWelland Procurement30/11/202329/11/202508/11/2023£175,266Not set
YPO call-off contract ref: 953 for the provision of Enforcement Agency ServicesBristow & SutorWelland Procurement30/11/202329/11/202508/11/2023£175,266Not set