TitleBuyerExpression StartExpression EndEstimated value
Contracted Local Bus Service Routes Dynamic Purchasing SystemHalton Borough Council23/02/202129/04/2031N/A
DPS for Voluntary, Charitable and Social Enterprises (VCSE’s) for ad hoc and lower value Goods, Services and WorksOrbit Group Limited10/03/202130/04/2031N/A
PRF 1547 - Care & Repair DPS (PRF 1547 - Care & Repair DPS)Peterborough City Council15/06/202330/04/2031N/A
YPO - 001066 Alternative Fuelled Vehicles DPSYPO09/03/202102/05/2031N/A
Cheshire East Council - DPS For The Provision of Passenger TransportCheshire East Borough Council07/07/202306/07/2031N/A
Public Bus Services DPSOxfordshire County Council19/05/202111/07/2031£80,000,000.00
Short Breaks Pseudo DPS/Framework - now on https://uk.eu-supply.com/login.asp?B=YORTENDEREast Riding of Yorkshire07/12/202031/08/2031N/A
Homes England Delivery Partner Dynamic Purchasing System (Homes England Delivery Partner Dynamic Purchasing System)Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)06/09/202105/09/2031N/A
REOPENING NCC367 Framework for Adult and Young People (16-18 years) Specialist Service (REOPENING NCC367 Framework for Adult and Young People (16-18 years) Specialist Service)Northumberland County Council01/04/202230/09/2031N/A
Warrington DPS for the provision of Supported Housing, Outreach, Day Opportunities, Shared Lives, ISFs & Respite Care for adults with complex needsWarrington Borough Council01/09/202102/10/2031N/A