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National awarded contracts

Awarded contracts

TitleAwarded supplierBuyerStart dateEnd dateAwarded dateValue (est.)Value (Award)
Framework Agreement for Joint Venture Residential Development with Darlington Borough Council - P2017/1190/NE & PB2021-00346Esh Homes LimitedDarlington Borough Council01/10/201701/10/202105/09/2017£150,000,000Not set
Incident Management System - P2017/1110/NEControl F1 LtdDarlington Borough Council01/04/201730/04/202724/03/2017£70,000Not set
P2015/301/PE PB2020-00107 PB2022-00784 - Purchase of 2 block beds in Auton House Children's Residential HomeSt Cuthberts CareDarlington Borough Council27/07/201526/01/202518/02/2015£1,638,000Not set
Transport DPS Request for Bids 327 Lot 2S & R Cars LtdDarlington Borough Council03/09/201805/09/202230/08/2018£65,360Not set
P2018/1649/NE Furniture Removals, Storage and DisposalSchott Transport &Removals LtdDarlington Borough Council02/01/201931/03/202519/12/2018£350,000£450,000
P2018/1685/PE NHS Health Checks Managed ServicePrimary Healthcare DarlingtonDarlington Borough Council01/04/201931/03/202806/02/2019£1,458,000Not set
Bed and Breakfast Temporary AccommodationMultiple award (7)Darlington Borough Council28/11/201831/03/202529/11/2018£360,000Not set
PB2023-00924 Residential Care for Older People and Older People with Mental Health ProblemsMultiple award (28)Darlington Borough Council01/04/201931/03/203017/12/2018£144,100,000Not set
P2018/1692/NE NEPO508 Vendor Neutral Managed Service for Temporary Agency WorkersGeometric Results International LtdDarlington Borough Council01/11/201830/04/202522/08/2018£26,000,000Not set
P2018/1786/EG & PB2022-00811 - Giant Hogweed Control & Vegetation Cutting on Public Rights of Way in the Borough of DarlingtonLandscape Solutions North East LtdDarlington Borough Council01/04/201931/03/202420/03/2019£48,752Not set